Friday, February 14, 2020

Military Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Military Technology - Essay Example The internet and phones connect us to people who are thousands of miles away from us and have bonded people together as well as widening our view on staffs and made information even more accessible to persons. Evolution of technology has made life easier by saving lives via technological medical advances. Newer technological advances might lead to newer scientific discoveries. For instance, the developed DNA sequencing and copying technologies has led us into important breakthroughs in several areas of biology, specifically in reconstruction of evolutionary relationships amongst organisms. One might think the society is relying too much on it but that might be a good staff since that's the way our lives seems to be improving now thanks to technology (Hardy, 2002). Our everyday lives are spent surrounded by technology and technology not just being Xboxes and TVs. We heavily depend on cars, trains, and planes for transportation. The society also rely greatly on advancements in weaponry so us to keep the country safe. We spin around technology and it has enhanced our lives greatly. I think our everyday life would be miserable without evolution of technology. ... Moreover if you don’t own a recent one then it`s same as not owning one at all. With the evolution of technology, we are discovering new, and life altering ways to enhance research into many diverse fields which we use every single day. One of the most essential forms of research which with the aid of technology has assisted individuals worldwide is medical research. Devoid of the evolution of technology that the society has now, most of the treatments the society has for diseases, injuries and infections would have not been invented if the technology society has today did not exist. Human life spans would significantly be reduced, and they would not recover from diseases, injuries or infection the way they are able to now. Less harmful infections and injuries would be more serious and might not heal as they do. Diseases too would be way more deadly than they are currently (Jaeger & Bowman, 2005). A good example of how society is dependent on the current technology to assist p eople as well as make huge improvements on illnesses is evidenced in reliance on artificial limbs to make life easier. The continued funding of NASA( National Aeronautics and Space Administration), together with its combined innovations in shock-absorption and robotics materials are inspiring and allowing the private sector to generate new and better solutions to animal and human prostheses. Advancements for instance Environmental Robots Inc.’s improvement of artificial muscle systems that has actuation capabilities and robotic sensing for use in extravehicular activities and space robotic of NASA are being adapted to generate a very functionally dynamic artificial limbs. Technology also make our lives easier and that of society through improving the transport sector.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Is debt a bad thing. Discuss the impact of debt on the housing market Essay

Is debt a bad thing. Discuss the impact of debt on the housing market in the UK, with reference to; (a) Levels of pesonal debt (b) Rent Arrears (c) Housing Association - Essay Example The loan seeker might be badly in need of the money and will accept all the conditions of the lender. Western people generally and the UK people in particular have a have a habit of spending all the money they earned and they don’t bother much about the need of saving for the future. Whenever they are in need of a bulk amount for purchasing a home or car they will approach the banks or other financial institutions for loan. These financial institutions are ready to help everybody irrespective of their financial capabilities before the current global economic problems started. But at present most of the financial institutions have tightened the screws by enforcing strict rules and regulations for granting loans for individuals. Housing market is one of the most important sectors as far as the loan exercise is concerned. Some of the statistics available for the UK housing market in 2009 is given below. There were 6,200 first-time buyer loans for properties between the old threshold of  £125,000 and the temporary threshold of  £175,000, representing 32% of the 19,700 loans to first-time buyers in September. In addition, 7,800 first-time buyers (40%) bought properties valued below the  £125,000 original threshold. There were 7,300 home mover loans for properties between  £125,000 and  £175,000 which was 24% of the 31,000 loans to home movers in September (One third of first-time buyers make lucky stamp duty escape, 2009) It is evident from the table that the borrowing habits in the housing market go on increasing. Because of the current recession, the criteria for lending have been tightened by many financial institutions and even then the borrowing habits were not affected. House prices are skyrocketing year after year and the earnings of the ordinary people are not enough to meet even for their daily expenses. The current global financial crisis has come